Western Heritage Furniture

Western Heritage Furniture

Headquarters: Bradford, IL

States manufacturing in: IL


Western Heritage Furniture is a company that embraces the concept of sustainability and reclamation. They specialize in crafting furniture using old-growth timber obtained from virgin forests that existed during the time of European settlers. By repurposing barns, railcars, and historical buildings, Western Heritage reclaims the aged wood before it deteriorates further. The company meticulously disassembles these structures to preserve the character and history of each board. The wood is carefully inspected and graded, ensuring only the highest quality pieces are selected for their furniture. Each piece tells a unique story, featuring distinctive characteristics such as nail holes, notches, and marks from its previous life. Western Heritage’s furniture is bench-made, crafted by a single artisan, who invests time and attention into every detail of the piece. The result is furniture that embodies the heritage and craftsmanship of the American West while promoting sustainable practices.