Move aside, lumberjacks; you aren’t the only ones who can wear a flannel shirt. A relatively young company is twisting the tradition and wearing all the plaid they want, stereotypes be damned, enter: Dixxon Flannels.
The company was founded by Danny Dreyer, or Danny Dixxon, in 2013. Working as a mechanic at Harley Davidson, Dreyer began selling his flannel shirts at biker markets and meet-ups. He did pretty well for himself and has since established a large following and customer base.
Dixxon Flannels operates on limited drops, collaborations, and quick sell outs. When you partner with the likes of Metallica and Fender, you do pretty well. They like to say they sell “flannels that don’t suck,” and a company motto is “Word hard. Stay humble.”
After just 10 years of operation, Dixxon Flannels is already a multi-million dollar company. It all started with a Harley Davidson mechanic who had “a few bucks in his pocket and a crazy idea.” These flannels are made for motorcycle-riding, tattoo-clad, skateboarding punks. That culture is uniquely American…but are the flannels?
Verdict: Are Dixxon Flannels Made in the USA?
No, Dixxon Flannels are not made in the United States. According to our research, they are manufactured in China. Although the flannels are not made in the US, Dixxon does offer some US-made products, mainly screen-printed tees.
Dixxon’s main product is flannels, so we naturally looked into those first. The company’s About page does not clearly indicate manufacturing locations, but each product is clearly labeled. Every single flannel we checked was imported.
Following information from Social Distortion Prison Bound Flannel:

Although Dixxon is upfront about the import status on their product pages, there is no information about where flannels are coming from. So, we hunted down some tags. Tags don’t hide.

And what do you know, they come from China. Considering the extensive product selection, quick drops, and hoards of collaborations, it isn’t surprising.
Dixxon Flannels sells more than plaid shirts. It also offers screen-printed tees and other products, such as soap. Most of the tees we looked at were labeled “Made in the USA.” A Dixxon website search of that key phrase seems relatively accurate for filtering out imported items.
Following information from USA Party Crest Tank:

Dixxon Flannels’ primary retail outlet is online. However, there are also many dealer locations across the country, mostly Harley Davidson shops.
There are two Dixxon Flannel locations in the US – Tempe, Arizona and Sturgis, South Dakota. Both are showrooms and do not complete any production.
If you want to shop American made from Dixxon, you’re limited to screen printed tees and soap. As for the flannels? All signs point to Imported.
Popular American Made Dixxon Products
- USA Party Crest Tank
- Badass Women Bar Soap
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Popular Dixxon Products Not Made in the USA
- Ciadella Interiors Flannel
- Social Distortion Prison Bound Flannel
- Women’s Brownells 4.0 Flannel