There are a ton of options out there for safety and straight razors. It’s an industry exploding with bespoke brands to compete with large corporations, but very few are sourcing and assembling their razors in the States. That’s why we set out to find companies producing quality razors and doing all their manufacturing in America. Below, you’ll find made in America razors plus lots of details about our findings.
Complete List of Razor Brands Made in the USA

Timeless Razor has several premium safety razors in aluminum, bronze, stainless steel, and titanium. These aren’t your classic plastic razor. Timeless Razor produces top-shelf products that are made to last a lifetime.

Just holding a razor from Yates Precision Manufacturing, you’ll be able to tell just how well-made they are. Everything is designed and machined in small batches in their family-owned facility in Pennsylvania. These razors, made from either stainless steel or brass, have thick handles and a sturdy frame. They spare no expense when manufacturing the razors at Yates, showcasing true American craftsmanship. I don’t have one (just look at my beard), but one of my good friends does and he can’t say enough good things about this razor.

Sixty8 Provisional produces several different grooming products in the USA. Their safety razor comes in three different sizes and is designed for sensitive skin. The razor handle, in particular, is designed for a close shave while minimizing nicks and cuts. Their products weighs twice as much as a typical razor handle, which allows the actual razor to do all of the work versus you “pushing” the razor across your face, which causes unnecessary friction. These safety razors also comes with a stylish handmade wooden box. They may not be the cheapest options on the market, but they are some of the best on the market.

Classic Shaving sells American-made shaving products in a ton of different designs. This company is unique as they act as a hub selling several different high-quality safety razors and straight razors from different sellers. This company sells everything from professional grade shaving products for barbers to simple razors for everyday use. Their designs are very nice and many of the are made in the USA. Head to their “Made in the USA” page to take a look at Classic Shaving’s American products.

Proof Razors are single-blade razors that are expertly machined for a smooth, clean shave every time. Everything is done in Montana and engineered to last a lifetime. The best part? No subscription fee.
How To Find Razors Made in the USA
Look below for the best way to find razors made in the USA. You need to consider raw material sourcing, assembly, and of course, how the company labels the product.
What Does “Made in the USA” Mean?
For something to be “made in the USA,” the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) states that “all or virtually all” of the product must be made in the United States. In other words, everything from the raw materials sourced and the actual assembly of the product must be from and take place in the USA.
Check out our “made in the USA” labeling guide to learn more about this.
To find razors made in the USA, the first step is to research the materials used and understand where these materials come from. The materials used in razors affect not only the look of the razor but also its grip and quality. The most common materials used in razors include stainless steel, wood, and plastic.
Stainless Steel
Finding US-made steel is not as difficult as you might think. This is because the USA is one of the world’s largest steel manufacturers! The USA comes in fourth behind only China, Japan, and India.
A major difference between imported steel and domestic steel is that imported steel is often less durable. American-made steel is actually three times stronger than Chinese-made steel! If you are looking for a good quality and sturdy razor that will last longer, American-made stainless steel razors are your best bet! Just be sure to double-check the country of origin of the steel used, as Asia produces most of this material.
The main types of wood used for razors are hardwoods and bamboo. Hardwoods, such as oak and maple, are more expensive but more durable – perfect in a damp environment such as the bathroom where shaving usually takes place. This makes for a more premium experience. The USA is one of the top producers of hardwood lumber in the world, falling just slightly behind China. This means there is an ample supply of American hardwoods to choose from.
However, on the flip side, the USA is one of the largest importers of bamboo. The majority of bamboo sourced is from China. So if the razor you are looking at features a bamboo handle, it is most likely not made with US-produced bamboo. Instead, opt for hardwoods.
Plastic razors are popular as they are generally cheaper than those made with stainless steel or wood and are therefore used as the more budget-friendly alternative. Although China is the number one producer of this material, the USA still produces around 20% of the world’s plastic, which is not insignificant. This means that although you are more likely to come across plastic made in China, you will be able to find American-made plastic with a bit of research.
The labels you can find on razors or the packaging will also help you find US-made razors. Title 19 Chapter 4 Section 1304 of the United States Code states that all imported products must be labeled as such, which helps weed out foreign-made products. When you are after an American-made razor, look specifically for the “made in the USA” label.
The “made in the USA” label is policed by the FTC. However, there is no pre-approval process to use this label. It is up to the companies to determine whether their product is worthy of the label. So, watch out for this! Consumers can report any false “made in the USA” claims, which the FTC will then review.
Another thing to watch out for is misleading words on labels. Many companies use confusing words to lead consumers to think that their product is made in the USA. Examples include “made in America,” “manufactured in the USA,” and “designed in the USA.” “Made in America” could mean the product is made in Canada or Mexico. And labels that use the words “manufactured” or “designed” usually mean the product is not fully made in the USA.
The American flag sticker is another thing to look out for. A product with an American flag sticker on the label does not necessarily mean that the product is made in the USA. The sticker is not government-regulated, so it is best to ignore it as it is not the best way to determine whether the razor is made in the USA.
Other Tips
Here are some extra tips to keep in mind when looking for razors made in the USA.
Check Out the Company’s Website
Check out the company’s website for information about the country of origin of the razor you’re interested in buying. But keep in mind that it is not required for the company to state which country the razor is made in on the website. So, if you can’t find the country of origin, it’s likely the product is made abroad.
On the other hand, any razor made in the USA is a huge selling point, so you should definitely see this stated and advertised on the company’s website.
Go Online Shopping
Shopping sites like Amazon will have a trove of information about the product and the company that produces them. Specifically, check out the Production Information section of the product page on Amazon. If you can’t find any information there, look at the FAQ section to see if someone has already asked a question regarding the product’s country of origin.
Call the Company
The quickest and easiest way to be sure that you’re buying from an American razor company is to call the company directly. Here, you will be able to speak to a representative who can answer all your questions.
Razors Not Made in the USA
During our research, we found some popular razor companies which are not American-made, we will continue looking for more to add. Here’s what we’ve found so far.
- Gillette – Made in Mexico
- Bic – Made in Greece
- Schick Quattro – Made in Germany
- Van Der Hagen – Made in Germany
Related Research
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