Across all our research on, we often reference data and information on government legislation, global production of raw materials, US employment, and other relevant facts (in addition to our own first-party data and investigations).
Accuracy and transparency are core to who we are, and the same values hold true in our editorial policies. Below is a list of all the sources we use for any external data or information, organized by category.
We are constantly updating this page as we add, remove, and change sources, based on the latest facts and available data.
- Statista: We have a paid subscription to Statista and use their acrylic fibers report to gather the latest data on acrylic fiber production by country and other trends.
- World Bank WITS Tool: The World Integrated Trade Solution is a platform run by the World Bank filled with reliable import, export, and trade data. We use this tool to get the latest information on bamboo production by country.
- The Schneider Group: This company sources, processes, and supplies wool and natural fibers. They recently published statistics on global cashmere production trends.
- USDA: The US Department of Agriculture regularly publishes a cotton world markets and trade report, which we use to reference the US and global cotton production trends.
- International Down and Feather Bureau: This group is the foremost recognized organization in the down and feather industry. They publish an industry report that we use for tracking production stats by country.
- UNCTAD: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development recently published an industry report on hemp, which details a ton of valuable information on global production trends.
- US Leather and Hide Council of America: This group releases an annual industry year-in-review report and projections for the year ahead.
- Statista: We pay for an in-depth global view of leather goods exports from the trusted Statista group.
- OEC: The Observatory of Economic Complexity is one of the best destinations for understanding world trade data. They have a flax/linen report that is particularly useful for a lot of our research.
- OEC: The Observatory of Economic Complexity has a report on nylon, polyamides, and carded or combed fibers that gives us a high-level look at global nylon production. It’s not perfect since it includes some non-nylon materials, but the overall trends give us good insights.
- WITS: The World Bank has a trade data tool called WITS, which we use to source import and export data for nylon and other products.
- Statista: We pay for access to Statista reports on polyester fiber production, which gives us great details on global production by country and other relevant trends.
- Textile Exchange: This group is a global non-profit that publishes regular studies on fiber production.
- OEC: The Observatory of Economic Complexity has some of the most up-to-date data on global rayon production that we use to track country-specific trends.
- International Sericultural Commission: This group is an inter-governmental organization that focuses on improving the silk industry around the world. They regularly publish statistics on global silk production.
- Allied Market Research: This report details production trends of the global spandex fiber market.
- IWTO: The International Wool Textile Organisation is a global authority in the wool industry and has been around since 1930. They regularly publish wool production numbers that we cite in our relevant research.
- Statista: They publish an annual aluminum production report that has details on production by country and other global trends. We pay for access to this report.
- Statista: This research group publishes an annual study on copper mine production by country. We pay for this report.
- World Gold Council: This group is the foremost authority in the gold industry and has a useful map of global mine production.
- Statista: We pay for their annual report of iron ore mine production by country.
- USGS: The US Geological Survey publishes valuable statistics on the supply and demand of silver around the world.
- World Steel Association: WSA is a non-profit organization focused on improving the global steel industry. They publish monthly steel production numbers that have valuable insights on production by country and global trends.
- Helgi Library: This international group publishes annual statistics on fiberboard production around the world.
- Statista: This research group has a useful report on recent trends in the paperboard industry.
- FAOSTAT: This database tool from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations gives us valuable insights into global forestry production.
- US Forest Service: We also have domestic reports on timber production that give us more granular information about what’s going on at home.
Other Minerals
- US Geological Survey: This government institution publishes a yearly mineral commodity summary that details diamond production and other minerals in the US and around the world.
- US Geological Survey: This government institution publishes a yearly mineral commodity summary that details gemstone production in the US.
Other Materials
- Statista: This research group publishes a reliable study on carbon fiber production around the globe that we pay for access to.
- OEC: The Observatory of Economic Complexity has some useful graphs on exporters and importers of clay products in recent years.
- Grand View Research: This report gives us insight into both global and domestic polymer foam production trends.
- Statista: We use a report from Statista to gather information on glass exporters around the world.
- IBIS World: We also pay for a report from this research group to give us deeper insights in US glass manufacturing.
- ANRPC: The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries has the latest information on rubber-producing countries that we frequently cite.
- Grand View Research: This respected research group has an insightful report on the beeswax market and future forecasts. They also have a market outlook on paraffin wax.
Legislation, Regulation & Other Government Data
- Official legislation for this act.
- NHTSA: We use the annually published NHTSA reports to put together our state of the auto manufacturing industry report.
- International Trade Administration: The official documentation for the Berry Amendment.
- FTA: Government documentation on this act.
- US Code: Official documentation for this act.
- FTC: Official documentation from the FTC on the Made In USA Standard.
- US Code: We often reference the US Code, our codification of laws in the United States.
- Our go-to official government resource for job reports and employment trend data.