New Bill to Boost American Manufacturing Heads to Senate

A new bill was introduced to the Senate this month that could support American manufacturing. Representatives sponsored the Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act in an effort to further strengthen American made products. 

The bill requires that the Department of Commerce complete a study to examine the efficacy of increasing American manufacturing with a hyperfocus on high-demand products. With bipartisan support, the bill has passed the House and now moves on to the Senate. 

The Bill

The Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act was first introduced in September 2023 by the following representatives: Mariannette Miller-Meeks, MD (IA-01), Abigail Spanberger (VA-07), Larry Buschon, MD (IN-08), Annie Kuster (NH-02), Kim Schrier, MD (WA-08) and Bill Johnson (OH-06). Just this month, it passed with unanimous House approval.

When fully passed, the bill’s resulting action requires the Secretary of Commerce to conduct the aforementioned study. This examination will investigate the feasibility of manufacturing critical infrastructure goods that are currently imported here in the US instead. Additionally, the study will critique the utility of manufacturing these goods in rural areas and industrial parks, thus giving such locations a much-needed boost.

The study must be completed within 18 months and reported to Congress within that time. It is estimated that the total cost of this project would be around $1 million over 1 year of work for four employees. 

However, the timeline hasn’t started ticking yet. The bill has only passed the House and will now be subject to Senate ruling. After that, it will be put in front of the President for final approval before becoming law. 

Made in America

Aside from improving America’s ability to manufacture critical goods, other expected results include a long-term increase in national revenue. It’s a domino effect: support American manufacturing, create more jobs, boost local economies, and promote the nation’s well-being.

Representative Spanberger, co-sponsor of the bill, stated, “Our country is stronger when the products the American people buy and the materials that keep our critical infrastructure strong are made in the USA. When American workers make our goods on American assembly lines, we keep innovation, economic growth, and success on our shores.”

Tax Dollars Stay In America

In the fiscal year of 2024 alone, the US government collected nearly $3 trillion in taxes and other sources. Only a very small percentage of that goes back into investments in manufacturing, research, etc. Thankfully, programs are in place to support Representatives in continuing to encourage federal funds in these necessary areas. 

The Made in America Office works to promote “Made in America” policies that will support domestic manufacturing and supply chains. It’s all about what happens to taxpayer dollars. Programs like the Made in America Office and bills like the Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act work to ensure that money from taxes is re-invested in America and not spent abroad. 

For the nation, fostering an internal system is in our best interest. By promoting the country’s intrinsic ability to manufacture, innovate, supply, and support its own needs, reliance on foreign goods is less critical. All in all, this means that America is better able to fend for itself.

About The Author



Mike leads research on the team, writes, and manages the YouTube channel. He’s been buying products made in the USA for as long as he can remember. It’s in his blood, growing up working in American manufacturing.